UNITROL1000 Z.V3 3BHE014557R0003
UNITROL1000 Z.V3 3BHE014557R0003
Product Overview.
The ABB 3BHE014557R0003 is a Unitrol 1000 voltage regulator manufactured by ABB. This device is essential for maintaining a stable voltage level in electrical systems. It is typically used in industrial applications to regulate the voltage output of generators or other power sources.
Main functions
Voltage regulation: Accurately controls the voltage output to meet the requirements of specified parameters.
Excitation control: Manages the generator’s excitation system.
Protection: Integration of protection functions to safeguard equipment and systems.
Power generation: for power plants to regulate the generator output voltage.
Industrial processes: for various industrial processes that require a stabilized voltage supply.
Grid Stabilization: Promotes grid stabilization by regulating voltage fluctuations.
Key Features
Precise Control: Provides precise voltage regulation.
Reliability: Withstands harsh industrial environments.
Compatibility: Designed for seamless integration with ABB systems.
Model: UNITROL1000 Z.V3 3BHE014557R0003
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